Safe. Secure. Trusted.
At National Security, we are committed to helping people find employment, as part of our social responsibility programme.
We understand the many difficulties that you may be experiencing whilst trying to find employment.
Finding a job could be as easy as sending us your details using the contact form, and emailing, or faxing your CV to the contacts below.
Email to:
Fax to: 086 666 9111
Always remain positive.
Network with as many people as you know, telling them of your desire to find employment.
Prepare a good curriculum vitae / CV. Include a photo of yourself.
Always supply a cover letter along with your CV. Tell you potential employer why you would be best suited for the position offered.
Always be neatly dressed for any interview.
Follow up with interviewer every few days, asking if your application was successful.
Keep applying for jobs, don't give up. Your ideal job is waiting for you.